Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm Only 26!

Ok, so this last Friday(Holloween) I went to an Underoath concert (Underoath is a christian heavy metal band)with one of my youth leaders. I thought that with my age aproaching 27 this next year, and myself not feeling as hip as I used to be, I should do something to "fit in" with the heavy metal crowd. So a carved a mohawk into my head for the night. Hopefully you can get a decent look at this from the pictures. It wasn't the most pronounced mohawk in the world but it was indeed still a mohawk from the front of my head all the way to the base of my scull. So what better way to celebrate my new do than by sporting the mohawk man himself on my T-shirt...MR. T!...only to be asked at the show by a girl from my youth group.."who's Mr. T?" I then realized that I had no idea how to tell her who he was. Attempting to describe his role on the A-Team and Rocky III was met with another blank stare and the sudden realization that in all of my attempts to present myself as young and "with it" I had in fact dated myself very blatently. So I shaved the mohawk the next day(even though my wife Emily thought it looked good, or so she said) and embraced the fact that I am "me" and that I can still go to concerts, but I am indeed getting older.


Pastor Rob said...

it's all good man! ha. believe me, i know how it feels to feel old! i'm only 22 and when i mention transformers and someone can only think of the movie or when i mention ALF or that i had a Teddy Ruxpin and people look at me like i'm from another planet...i feel ANCIENT! here's to gettin' old old my man! cheers. oh yeah, i am a total copycat for starting my own can rip on me later!lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ha ha! pastor rick said it first!

Anonymous said...

I too am getting a mohawk. Then Wendy and I are going head banging

Dustin Reed said...

your younger then my kitty cats!

Anonymous said...

don't ever do that again... i know that you are only "40" an all but seriously, don't do that again... by the way, matt ray said "waddup?" back

Ashleigh said...

haha im with ken, you dont want to wear a mr t shirt to an underoath concert, unless its extremely tight on you. even then idk lol. but i like the mohawk!

P Fred said...

thanks Ash